Maher's Tax Service

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Pennsylvania Individual and Sole Member LLC Small Business Tax Preparation can be a bit tricky.


Since 1978 Tom has been preparing income tax returns for a stable core group of clients with a wide range of tax preparation needs. From first time home owners to those selling their homes after successful careers or when the need to relocate arose; for those who own and rent a single townhouse or those who own several rental properties; for market savvy investors with income from interest/dividends or the purchase and sale of stocks or options; crypto currency transactions; for self-employed professionals such as real estate agents, manufacturer’s representatives, computer consultants or home improvement contractors.

Tom Graduated from Penn State University in May 1977 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and a minor in Finance. Tom’s professional life began at the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue from 1977 through November 1985 in both personal income tax and corporate tax. In November 1985 Tom joined the Public Utility Commission as a Financial Analyst and testified against natural gas companies’ base rate increase requests. After thirty-five years of state service Tom retired in January 2013 and decided to focus on building an income tax preparation business focused mostly on individual tax issues with some Sole Member LLC business clients just for fun.

So, if you are looking for someone to prepare your income tax returns for the first time, due to a new circumstance or your old taxman retired or became too busy please contact me via this website, e-mail or phone.


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